
Sewer Line Repair: What Homeowners Need to Know
Sewer Line Repair for Homeowners Your household relies on your sewer line every day. Without a properly functioning sewer line, you may find yourself with a plethora of issues and problems. Sewer line repairs can be fairly straightforward, while others are more...
Five Simple Ways to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home
Winter is halfway over and spring is on its way here in Portland. These months usually bring lots and lots of rain – and this year is no exception. However, rain isn’t the only way your home can experience water damage. You can have drain backups, clogs, or sump...
How Does Your Storm Drain Work?
Storm drains, catch basins, sump pumps, sump pits, these are all vital to keeping your home moisture and flood-free. However, these parts of your home are hidden from view and are rarely talked about unless there is a problem. Water/moisture build-up can be subtle...
Five Things to Check During Your Home Buying Walk Through
When buying a new home, many buyers depend upon the home inspection to turn up any issues. However, that home inspection happens after you’ve put in an offer, gotten accepted, gone through a mountain of paperwork, and have begun to dream about your new home. So, while...