You probably give your home a quick cleaning once a week – but do you know what regular home maintenance actions you should be taking? There are likely different parts of your home that you don’t even think about when you go through your weekly cleaning or “honey do” checklist. That’s why we have compiled this short list of things you should consider adding to your “to-do” list:

Clean the kitchen sink

You clean your hands, dishes, and more in the kitchen sink, but how often do you clean the sink itself? The answer to this question should be after about 30 uses. You can clean your sink with warm water and dish soap or give it a scrub with your favorite all-purpose cleaner.

Wash your vent covers

We all dust our vent covers, but detaching and washing them with warm soapy water about once a month can help them do their job better.

*Helpful hint: It’s also a good idea to get your ductwork cleaned professionally every few years.

Get your drains sparkling

Older houses have older drain systems, meaning the pipes are thinner and more prone to rust than modern plumbing systems. You can talk to us here at Clog Busters LLC about setting up a regular maintenance plan that prevents leaks and backed up drains before they begin.

Clean up your grout

There is likely to be grout in any tile work so that you may have grout in your bathroom or kitchen. Give your grout a good scrub once a month to remove any bacteria or mildew growing in your grout work.

Get your stove filter vents looking shiny

We all see our stovetop, but the filter vent is generally neglected. Get this area free of grease every month or so.

Wash your dishwasher

Your dishwasher needs to be cleaned about as much as your sink – every 30 uses or so. You can wipe it down and then run it with nothing inside it but a cup of vinegar to get things sparkling.

Get the lint out of your dryer exhaust

Though your lint catcher gets some of the lint, the dryer exhaust needs to be cleaned out every 50 uses or so. This will help your machine run at peak efficiency.

These are just a few of the many home maintenance tasks we don’t often think about!

Are you experiencing slow drainage or do you have an older home? Let us know and we will find out the best way to help resolve your drainage issues!