Almost every Portland homeowner wants to minimize their carbon footprint. We recycle, compost, and bring our own bags to the grocery store. However, there are additional small things that you can do which can make a big difference in helping your home to “go green.”

1. Resolve drain maintenance issues once and for all.

Often older homes suffer from drainage difficulties. Many homeowners buy liquid drain cleaners to fix the problem – not realizing that they are adding toxins to the environment while also damaging the cement in their pipes.

Instead of going to the store and purchasing drain cleaner the next time your sewer pipes back up, call a professional. There are many possible causes for clogged sewer lines that, once fixed, will reduce backups and clogs – and that’s something everyone can enjoy. The reasons for a clog may be:

  • Offset pipes
  • Improperly graded pipes
  • Sagging pipes
  • Tree root intrusion
  • Corroded or broken pipes

In the end, permanently fixing your pipes is a benefit to both your wallet and the environment.

2. Make sure your insulation is up to snuff.

The recent “Portland snowpocalypse” made it fairly obvious that poor insulation adds up to an enormous power bill. That is, for those of you whose power remained intact through our snowstorms.

Properly insulating your home with weather stripping, insulation, and double paned windows not only keeps your house a consistent temperature, but it also makes it easier to get through the wild temperature fluctuations throughout winter and summer. You can also get additional green points for opting to use the clean energy sources provided by your local power company.

3. Keep up your regular home maintenance.

Falling behind on home maintenance actions like replacing incandescents with LED bulbs, fixing a leaky faucet, or extending the life of outdoor spaces like your deck or patio can all result in unnecessary expense and waste. We know that home maintenance isn’t always the most exciting part of homeownership, but reducing the need for expensive and energy exhaustive repairs can also help you reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Get things fixed right the first time.

In the article we released earlier this month, we talked about how to find the best plumbing contractor for your needs. This is especially important if you are hoping to keep your home as green as possible. Getting repairs or replacements done properly the first time around reduces waste both in the form of trash going to landfills and money in your bank account. So, be sure to find the best person for the job, and get repairs done properly, the first time around.

5. Use common sense.

Simple actions that frugal families have been doing for years also help them to reduce their carbon footprint. These include:

  • Turning off faucets and lights when they are not using them.
  • Buying energy efficient appliances.
  • Turning the thermostat down when they are not home.
  • Purchasing things that can be washed and reused instead of single-use items.
  • Installing low flow toilets and water efficient showerheads.

Many of the actions you may have been doing to save money can also help to reduce your carbon footprint as well!

While Clog Busters may not be able to help with every aspect of this list, we can help you get your sewer system in tip-top shape. If you have a sink, toilet, or tub that is constantly clogging – or you need sewer repair or service, let us know. We work hard to give our clients permanent solutions to their plumbing issues.