Finding the right plumbing contractor for your needs can be tough. There are always a lot of factors to consider including reputation, skill, price, and speed of service.

Sometimes, the need to save money can become the overarching factor, causing homeowners to go with their “mother’s cousin’s husband’s friend” instead of a professional. Unfortunately, we are often called in to fix jerry-rigged plumbing done by DIYers who charged clients for their work. This often means our customers have had to foot a larger bill than they would have if they’d hired a professional in the first place.

We don’t want any homeowner to have to deal with shoddy work that needs to be fixed by professionals. That’s why we are providing this easy-to-follow “how to” guide for finding the right plumbing contractor for your particular needs.

Ask for multiple recommendations

Find out what companies your friends and family have had a good experience with. Look for reviews online – both on the company’s website and on independent sites like Yelp!, Google, or Angie’s List. Assembling reviews from multiple sources can give you a better idea of the experience you are most likely to have with your chosen contractor.

Check their licensing information

All construction companies – from plumbing to masonry – are required to have a Construction Contractor’s Board (CCB) number. Clog Buster LLC’s CCB number is 200212. Check to make sure the company you plan to work with has a CCB number.

Once you have verified this information, use the Construction Contractor’s Board license search tool to get information about the company. This tool will provide information on past complaints, unpaid civil penalties, license information from other agencies and more.

Get a quote

Many companies will provide a free quote for the work they plan to do. Even if the quote isn’t free, it may be worth paying for if you are planning an extensive amount of work and need an extensive quote.

Not only will getting the quote give you an understanding of the company’s pricing structure, it will show you what it’s like to work with the company. You can find out if they will be on time, if their employees are pleasant, and if they are willing to explain any specialized language so that anyone at any knowledge level can understand it.

You can find the best plumbing contractor for your budget by using the above pointers. It may also be important to note if the company is available for emergency issues, like an overflowing toilet or flooding sink. Here at Clog Busters LLC, we provide 24/7 emergency service, have a sterling reputation, and work hard to fit into every homeowner’s price range.

If you need help with your drains or sewer, give us a call today!